Lock folders without any software version aRi isTiadi

Posted by aRi isTiadi at Friday, 2 October 2009
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Who says it's just locking the folder using the software it just ....?
why not try it just to make myself ...?

This version is made my own version which can be of various sites where I explore
difference between the version I created with another version is
I created a script that can be up to 5 fruits a password even more
Another version of the reply is only just 1 password

. never will be like this. . . . . . .
click picture to clarify

The first step to open notepad location:

[1] start

[2] Programs

[3] accesories

[4] notepad

then copy the script below into notepad it ....

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo yakin loch mau gembok foldernya ketik Y untuk gembok kalo N g jadi di gembok oce.. create by --o0o--aRiisTiadi--o0o--
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Foldernya dah di Gembok
goto End
echo heh!!! mau ngapain lu... foldernya dah gw gembok... mau buka data rasasia gw lu???? masukin paswordnya dlu baru boleh!"web punya gw(tanpa spasi) Create by aRi isTiadi"
set/p "pass=insert your password -->"
if NOT %pass%== www.ariistiadi.co.cc goto FAIL

echo Hmmmm jawabannya bener, ok kata sandi point ke 1 selanjutnya"web punya gw?(tanpa spasi)"
set/p "pass=insert your password -->"
if NOT %pass%== www.ariistiadi.co.cc goto FAIL

echo wih... bener lagi ebad dah lu, ok kata sandi point ke 2"web punya gw(tanpa spasi)"
set/p "pass=insert your password -->"
if NOT %pass%== www.ariistiadi.co.cc goto FAIL

echo that's right,ok kata sandi point ke 3"web punya gw(tanpa spasi)"
set/p "pass=insert your password -->"
if NOT %pass%== www.ariistiadi.co.cc goto FAIL

echo wow gw dah mulai yakin kalo lu yang punya nih flash disk, ok kata sandi point ke 4"web punya gw(tanpa spasi)"
set/p "pass=insert your password -->"
if NOT %pass%== www.ariistiadi.co.cc goto FAIL

echo pertannyaan terakhir, ok kata sandi point ke 5"web punya gw(tanpa spasi)"
set/p "pass=insert your password -->"
if NOT %pass%== www.ariistiadi.co.cc goto FAIL

echo Selamat anda telah berhasil"tinggal buka data lu deh www.ariistiadi.co.cc create by aRi isTiadi"
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo congrulations Foldernya udah ngga di gembok lagi...
goto End
echo WAH kayaknya passwordnya salah coY!!...
goto end
md Locker
echo Foldernya berhasil di buat
goto End

Please change your own words said in the letter or the red
and please change your own password on the letter or the color Blue

password can only use one sentence so the password can not use SPACE
save the file with the name gembok.bat

never once has it made gembok.bat,scriptnya or password you can still be seen
then the password so we do not see anyone else

the file should we be konfrensikan file. EXE
program to download, you can click the image below ...

extract its files
open the file Bat_To_Exe_Converter
open, this file forms

I explained that I round

[1] where you save the file it gembok.bat
[2] if you want to use the program icon to click on number 2 if it does not want to use the icon is not what what
[3] folder where to save files from the conference files. Bat to. EXE
put it on your desktop or on the go
after that click to start the process of compiling pengkonfresiannya



rada bingung neh..bahasa english,hehe..

nice friend... keep writing..

Nice post brow..... :|

yes....yes...good...good...good Luck Brooo...

mantap, saya coba kapan ah

wah bahasa inggris ya,,, kelemahan roomen tuh :D
roomen lg :$

artikel yang berguna, thanks

:? ..heuum.. mantep sob..untung sy punya background visual basic.. sy jg pernah membuat program simple lock (SLock)..tapi utk mengunci sistem komputer..hehehe ;) -> http://ecaknyo.blogspot.com/2009/08/gembokkunci-pc-tanpa-perlu-log-off.html

wahhh saya kurang begitu mengerti mas....

tapi makasih sudah berkunjung ke tempat saya

sukses untuk anda

kunjungan perdana nich di site senior yang kwerennn :|

:-Dberkunjung di sahabat...

:f :D :-D :) ;;) :! :$ x( :? :@ :~ :| :)) :( :(( :o

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